About India Christian Fellowship
We exist as a church to love the Lord Jesus Christ and to extend His love to others. Our goal is to glorify the name of the Lord. Our passion is to provide a place for people to gather and have a life-changing encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ. We are a multilingual, Spirit-filled, and Bible-believing Indian Church. It is our prayer to be like the New Testament church that teaches the Word of God, worships Him passionately, loves one another sacrificially and is willing to go out and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Why Do We Exist?
We exist to reach the immigrant population in Southern California with the transforming gospel of Jesus Christ and to make them His disciples
through genuine relationships and sound biblical teaching.
Our Mission
To know, love, and share the Lord Jesus Christ and to love one another.
Our Leadership Team

Rev. Alexander John

Vijayraju Kama

Sudeep Cherian

Renuka Rantala & Sreelakshmi Kunappareddy

Philly and Hima Philip
High School Group

John Joseph

Jojoy Kuriakose

AG Thomas

Sam Ramaiah

Anil Kumar
Prayer Ministry

Noble and Betsy Thomas
Junior High

Ebenzer Samuel
Men's Fellowship

Loisy Joseph
WINGS - Women's Fellowship

Manju Kuriakose
SOAR - Children's Ministry

Vidush and Merina Athyal
College and Young Adults