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Ascend India Mission 

India, with its population of a billion plus people, is no stranger to the gospel. Tradition says that, in A.D. 52, the Apostle Thomas first brought the gospel to this precious land. By the turn of the eighteenth century, William Carey, the Father of Modern Missions, made enormous progress in presenting the gospel in the various languages and dialects of India. The last few centuries have seen men and women trek high mountains and low valleys across India with the transforming gospel of Christ. However, as the Lord observers in Matthew 9:37, the harvest remains plentiful and the laborers few. Despite the strides made in evangelizing India, Christians make up only 2.3% of the population.


At ICF, we recognize that Missions is not an extra option but rather the very lifeblood of the church's activities. Over the past several years, we have had the privilege of partnering in Indian missions. Pastor John Mathai, Director of AIM (Ascend India Mission), leads a team of dedicated individuals as they take the gospel to the unreached corners of India. Pastor John and his family have labored in the eastern state of Odisha for well over twenty-five years. The Lord has used him and his team to reach hundreds, baptize, and plant many churches. AIM has several Discipleship Training Centers in India. The local focus is on planting churches, supporting native evangelists, raising educational centers, building village churches, imparting skills, and caring for the destitute. Presently, AIM is operational in four states: Odisha, Jharkhand, Bengal, and Karnataka.

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